



Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Organisation GFFA:
Division 626
Wilhelmstr. 54
10117 Berlin


Jacobsenweg 61
13509 Berlin

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The following rule applies to all links on these websites: we stress that we neither have any influence on the design or contents of websites of other providers accessible through links from our homepage nor do we adopt the contents as our own. This statement applies to all websites of this homepage and the links set there.
Please notify the editorial office (internet) if the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture refers to websites whose contents give cause for complaint.

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Picture credit


Bags with food, page “Our Aims and Output”: @arts/Adobe Stock

Grain field, page “Our Aims and Output”: Free-Photos/Pixabay

Earth with face mask, page “Press”, “Topic”: © Sondem/Adobe Stock

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